Urok Szatana (The Beauty of the Devil). 1954.
Given anonymously

Wystawa Plakatu NRF. 1957.

Moore. 1959.

Hamlet. 1962.

Polska Antomima. 1964.

Circus. 1965.

Hadrian VII. 1969.

Left: Plakat. 1969.
Right: Jazz Jamboree 71. 1971.

As He is Not Here (theater poster). 1973.
Peiper Tadeusz
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Varsovie, Thé â ter des Nations, Entrée. 1975.

Pour le parti communiste dans les anné es 50.
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Exposition. 1965.
Exposition d'affiche en 1965.
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Jan August Kisielewski Karykatury. 1978.
Offset lithograph and photolithograph,
Gift of Susan Hornik.

50-ème Anniversaire de l'Union Internationale de la Marionnette. 1978.

Policemen, a play of Slawomir Mrozek. 1981.
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Pralnia, de Stanislaw Tym. 1981.
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W. Gombrowicz. 1983.
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'2+2 must always be 4'. 1989.
Lithograph printed in red and black on paper.
Given by Miss Peggy Vance, Victoria and Albert Museum.

LOVE. 1991.
Silk Screen.
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